Divka Budaka 1d, Zagreb
Radno vrijeme
Pon-pet: 8:00-15:00
Vikend: zatvoreno
Naši učenici mogu se pohvaliti sudjelovanjem u svojim prvim političkim izborima, no ne onim pravim, već lažnim izborima za američkog predsjednika unutar projekta koji svake četiri godine organizira Hrvatsko-američko društvo sa sjedištem u Zagrebu. Ove godine u projektu je sudjelovalo 36 hrvatskih osnovnih i srednjih škola. U našim lažnim izborima pobijedio je Joe Biden, a mi se time možemo pohvaliti kao jedina škola koja je glasovala za Donalda J. Trumpa (koji je doduše pobijedio sa samo 5 glasova razlike).
Projekt lažnih izbora za američkog predsjednika provela je profesorica Ivana Obradović u sklopu nastave Engleskog jezika sa svim učenicima škola, a možemo se pohvaliti i da su nastavnici također sudjelovali u izborima. U pripremi izbora u školi profesorici je pomagalo izborno povjerenstvo čiji su članovi bili učenici 1.a i 2.a razreda, a učenik T. K. (3.T) napisao je odličan osvrt na izbore na engleskom jeziku koji se nalazi u nastavku.
Posebnost Futurinih izbora je bila ta da smo ih zbog epidemiološke situacije u potpunosti proveli online, tj. na daljinu. Učenici i nastavnici glasovali su na Online razredu, a izlaznost na izbore, kao i rezultate, mogli su pratiti i komentirati na našemu školskom serveru na Discordu.
Na sljedećoj poveznici možete pročitati detalje o projektu, kao i rezultate lažnih izbora u školama koje su sudjelovale:
The school-wide mock election based on the current election in the United States of America was announced on the 12th of October in Futura. Rules of the election were quickly explained (when, how, why) before a video, which explained how election results are predicted, was played on the whiteboard. A few weeks later the election was made live on Online Razred (School website) which was available to all students and the teaching body.
An announcement was made a few times (both publicly and privately to each class) which urged students to vote for a more successful insight into the mock election and the mindset of younger people in Europe. After a day or two, the results were published which showed that a lot of students in lower grades (1-2nd grade) voted for Joe Biden while the higher grades (3-4th grade) voted for Donald Trump.
I do believe that the lower grades are more aware of the political and social status of the United States which led to their vote on Biden. While that is the case for lower grades, I also believe that the higher grades have voted based on the „meme“ status of Donald Trump without gathering all the facts and possibilities. The decision for higher grades was either made by a dump vote (vote for a random candidate) or it was organized which led to such results.
The mock-election of the Presidential Election as a project in Europe is a good idea which would have a lot of merits if it wasn’t for the fact that majority of the students would simply be uninterested for the project or would be interested but not for the purpose of logically thinking about their best options.
The election itself was fun for me and allowed me to look into both sides (Joe Biden and Donald Trump) and allowed me to make my own opinion regarding the two candidates and their political party.
U galeriji možete pogledati kako su izgledali naši online izbori.